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Outside good entrance to St Pancras on Midland rd

Reported via desktop in the Road Defect category anonymously at 13:42, Saturday 1 February 2025

Sent to Camden Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 7069138.

The trucks loading and unloading block the bike lane, almost every day causing cyclists to have to move out into sometimes fast and heavy traffic - see the photo for an egregious example.

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  • This would need to be sent into the Camden hotline as it does not fall under engineering there number or email can be found on the website

    State changed to: not the council's responsibility

    Posted by Camden Borough Council at 09:58, Monday

This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location. Please reference 7069138 in your new report if it is an update on this one.