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On church

Reported via desktop in the Street Name Plates category anonymously at 15:10, Monday 20 January 2025

Sent to Camden Borough Council 51 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 7006971.

The road sign says Bartholomew Road, but it is in fact Bartholomew Villas.

There are no homes on this stretch of road (before the bend) that are in Bartholomew Road.

The house I live at (east of the sign) is actually 2 Bartholomew Villas.

There is a sign on my house that says Bartholomew Villas which contradicts the Bartholomew Road sign on the church.

People are confused.

Several times a day I have people knocking at the door (often distressed) looking for the medical centre which is 2 Bartholomew Road.

Suggest: the sign on the church should read Bartholomew Villas (leading to Bartholomew Road)


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  • Hi, Just to let you know, you have sent this issue through via the wrong category option, the correct option is called 'Street Name Plates' 13th on the list. I have changed the category internally for you, but for future reference, if you use the Street Name Plate option it ensure it goes to the correct department. I have added a screenshot from Gmaps to support your report. Kind regards.

    Category changed from ‘Missing Road Sign’ to ‘Street Name Plates’

    Posted by Camden Borough Council at 16:01, Monday 20 January 2025

  • This has been passed tot he street signage team

    State changed to: Internal referral

    Posted by Camden Borough Council at 10:05, Monday 3 February 2025

This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location. Please reference 7006971 in your new report if it is an update on this one.