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Southbound lane, on the pedestrian crossing between Cash Converters and Creation Studios

Reported via desktop in the Manhole in the road category anonymously at 08:24, Friday 10 January 2025

Sent to Camden Borough Council 6 hours, 6 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 6959722.

About a month ago, the manhole/drainage cover has become loose and is getting more wobbly by the day. Worst of all: Every time a vehicle goes over it, it produces a loud, high-pitched, metallic clank. Since it's a main road, this is several times a minute, constantly, day and night. For a month now, it has been like living on an active building site but without the downtimes. Seeing that a report from December (6859725) in the same location has been closed with any apparent action beeing taken, I beg the Coucil to please take this seriously. This is a major disturbance that has been causing distress and sleep-deprevation for a month now.

If action is already under way, thank you! But if not, please have it looked at as soon as humanly possible.

Thank you!

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