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Outside No 127 Fordwych

Reported via mobile in the Transport Planning Referrals category anonymously at 13:24, Fri 27 December 2024

Sent to Camden Borough Council 22 hours, 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6901775.

A Disabled bay No’23 is no longer in use as sadly the permit holder died over 4 years ago. Clearly no one has the license any more as the bay is always empty (or anyone who can’t park nearby and takes this spot gets a ticket). Can you kindly have the bay returned to standard Residents’ parking ? Thank you

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  • Hi, This issue has been internally referred to the Planning Dept as they would be the ones to make the decision to change the bay back to resident parking. kind regards.

    Category changed from ‘Missing Road Sign’ to ‘Transport Planning Referrals’

    Posted by Camden Borough Council at 11:26, Sat 28 December 2024

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