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Holly Walk road / emergency vehicle access

Reported via desktop in the Referrals to Engineering (Highways Team) category anonymously at 16:06, Wed 4 December 2024

Sent to Camden Borough Council 16 hours, 20 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 6819751.

Holly Walk at Church Row is closed this week, by a Temporary Traffic Restriction Order. This is at least the sixth time in the past months that Holly Walk has been closed, all related to ongoing Thames Water works. When Holly Walk at Church Row is closed, the only vehicular entrance/egress for residents of Holly Walk is via Mount Vernon. However, Mount Vernon is extremely narrow and comes to a neck outside 2 Mount Vernon. Inexplicably, there is a single Residents Parking space in the neck. When this space is occupied, as it usually is, it renders passage into and out of Holly Walk by normal cars almost impossible, and passage by larger trucks or vans like fire and rescue equipment completely impossible. This is an active safety issue!! Please can the Council close that parking space, at least for the duration of the Holly Walk works -- which we have been told will last several years. The ongoing road closures are very inconvenient, but the situation is rendered impossible -- and actively dangerous -- by the existence of this one parking space.

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  • Hi, I have referred this report internally to the Highways Depart as they would be responsible for you request.

    Kind regards.

    Category changed from ‘Road Markings’ to ‘Referrals to Engineering (Highways Team)’

    Posted by Camden Borough Council at 08:27, Thu 5 December 2024

  • State changed to: Internal referral

    Updated by Camden Borough Council at 08:49, Thu 5 December 2024

This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location. Please reference 6819751 in your new report if it is an update on this one.