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Outside entrance to Haversham Place

Reported via desktop in the Missing Road Sign category anonymously at 21:22, Tuesday 26 November 2024

Sent to Camden Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6788862.

There is a double yellow line and a small road sign saying "no parking at anytime" outside the gate to this development. That space is needed to allow for emergency vehicles (eg fire engines) access 24/7 as otherwise they can't get in to the development as the road space is too narrow to turn. Cars are regularly parking on the double yellow lines, particularly Fridays and weekends, and the problem gets worse in winter when there are leaves on the street. We are trying to sweep the street to keep the double yellow lines visible but it is not really helping. Traffic wardens are rarely present. Would it be possible to make the No parking at any time signage, and road markings larger and more visible to make sure drivers can clearly see that parking is not permitted at this location at any time? The residents of Haversham Place are concerned about this issue for safety reasons and we would be grateful if the council could take action to ensure emergency access to the development is available at all times. Many thanks

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  • Hi, I have escalated this to our enforcement team & also to our street cleansing service asking them to sweep the leaves.

    Kind Reagards

    Posted by Camden Borough Council at 08:35, Wednesday 27 November 2024

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