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Outside no.4

Reported via mobile in the Other tree issue category anonymously at 23:17, Tue 12 November 2024

Sent to Camden Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6724615.

Council proposing unnecessarily to cut street trees from 25 November 2024, Photos show amount of growth between November 2022 and November 2024.,This appears slight relative to the trees' stature and substance. Request is to defer this for another year while alternative and better pruning work could be done. Problem is that at present the trees are showing what amount to multiple vertical trunks whereas they should comprise more horizontal boughs. It takes unduly long each season to form a near-proper canopy. Request is to consider the existing water shoots as sufficient basis for spring renewal rather than force the trees to 'start again' with embrionic water shoots causing new pressures on them to grow small unconneted mini-canopies denying the proper functioning.pending full canopy formation over 2-3 years. More information with dated photographs available to show further the slow recovery sequences compared with other well-formed local trees, Request is to endeavour to build funding over next 2-3 years for proper restorative work, rather than a possible 'use it or lose it' approach. Request is to assess any risk of danger in leaving trees to grow further which risk seems low viewed relative to the trees' apparently good substance and wind reisistance with the relatively light mass of the crowns as seen not impacting main trunk mass and resistance.

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  • Thank you for reporting this issue. It has been logged in our systems.

    Posted by Camden Borough Council at 23:17, Tue 12 November 2024

  • Trees or dockside cranes ? Years of simply lopping producing unsightly multiple branch 'trunks' requiring more water over a longer period for (slow) annual spring recovery. Contrast between lopping and traditional selective prunng has been recognised and publicised from at latest 1950s. Lopping is apparently cheaper, so council budgets especially now cannot spread to proper traditional practice.

    Posted anonymously at 23:28, Tue 12 November 2024

  • We have investigated this issue and can confirm it had now been fixed.

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted by Camden Borough Council at 08:41, Mon 18 November 2024

This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location. Please reference 6724615 in your new report if it is an update on this one.