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Outside No. 45 Fortess Road stretching across the width of the whole road.

Reported via desktop in the Road Defect category anonymously at 12:29, Tuesday 22 October 2024

Sent to Camden Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6645103.

For at least one year there has been a trench across the width of Fortess Road at this location. It was created when G-Networks opened up the road to lay cabling.

When any vehicle larger than a car goes over this trench there is a large vibration which can be felt throughout much of the block of 14 flats at 45 Fortess Road. The vibrations are felt on furniture, floors and by people in the building.

It has become increasingly worse over the past few months. More and larger vibrations are being felt.

G-Network have been contacted a number of times and visited the site but refuse to address the problem.

Residents are seriously disturbed by these vibrations and very concerned about the damage being done to their building and homes.

We appeal to Camden Council to please enforce G-Network to rectify this problem or for Camden Council to repair it.

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  • I note that Gordon Hamilton has now referred this problem to G- Network via FixMyStreet ref: 6765579 on the 22nd Nov.

    I would be grateful if the response can be forwarded this Reference too.

    Posted anonymously at 16:03, Monday 25 November 2024

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