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Near 82 Fairhazel Gardens

Reported via desktop in the Street Lights category anonymously at 11:06, Tue 8 October 2024

Sent to Camden Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6565202.

Yesterday, Council workers were digging up around the bottom of all of the relatively new lamp posts. They didn't appear to know what they were doing apart from perhaps changing the wiring. I asked if it was connected with 5G and they didn't know that either, I already have a lot of trouble with this new type of lighting and cannot look at it at all owing to the fact that I am suffering with glaucoma. The previous lighting was fine but it is really unpleasant now for anyone with eye problems. All I can see is light halos everywhere. Plus I have not been able to sleep since they were changed. So, yesterday I became really worried that the situation is going to become even worse which would be the case if this new work is connected with 5G. No one seems to be aware that there are now a lot of people who have become sensitive to electro-magnetic frequencies such is smart meters, mobiles, routers etc and their health is being mad into a hell with all of this new technology!

Is there any chance you could put some nice old-fashioned lighting at the Broadhurst Gardens end of Fairhazel Gardens Even people with no eye problems cannot look at these lights. They have no warmth and emit or horrible cold light making the elderly and disabled suffer more.

Hoping to hear from you.


Claudine PITTIS

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  • The lighting will be retained only the column is being channged the LED installation is integral to the safety of our residents and users of the London borough of Camden.

    State changed to: No further action

    Posted by Camden Borough Council at 09:08, Wed 6 November 2024

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