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Along the passway ( Spring Walk)

Reported via mobile in the Low/overhanging branches category anonymously at 22:05, Thu 3 October 2024

Sent to Camden Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6549615.

Overgrown branches and greenery dangling from behind the residential fence, on a head/face level of all the pedestrians who use Spring Walk ( the continuation of Shepherds Walk). It makes it difficult for two people including buggy users, to pass each one, it obstructs the light and the view, some branches have spikes. Last year the part of a brick fence on same street fall because of overgrown greenery. Wooden part of the fence is currently bent towards the passway. This issue has been present for at least 6 months.

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  • A photo of the footway

    Posted anonymously at 13:54, Fri 4 October 2024

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