All of Coram Street
Reported via mobile in the Road Defect category anonymously at 14:00, Wednesday 25 September 2024
Sent to Camden Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6514719.
The road has become a major rat run for vehicles avoiding other routes. As a result it has become difficult to cross the streets for Brunswick shopping centre safe access. Difficult for the Herbrand street ambulance service to access Woburn Place. Difficult for residents to use their own vehicle due to over congestion. Difficult for residents living neat the Woburn Street junction end of Coram street due to constant tooting of horns and ofter vulgar shouting and fighting in the street especially at peak traffic times. This street should be made safe for the people who live and use the businesses on the street by making it a no through or pedestrianised. This problem has only got worse over time as more motorists have discovered the cut through.
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