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98 greencroft gardens

Reported via desktop in the Other tree issue category anonymously at 17:00, Tuesday 10 September 2024

Sent to Camden Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6458497.


I refer the correspondence between my neighbour Mme. Evelina Kurmakaeva (of Flat 3, 98 Greencroft Gardens) and your ex-colleague Liam Vincent.. Their correspondence originated back in January of the present year. The matter related (and relates) to the tree outside our shared property (98 Greencroft Gardens Residents Association Ltd), the roots of which are pushing up the pavement to such a degree that it is now dangerous. My own particular interest in the matter lies in the fact that being 86, unfortunately I am now obliged to use a disabled mobility scooter to get about: getting over this ‘Hump’ is the only safe means I have of exiting our property, although ‘safe’ is no longer the appropriate word. Every time I go over it – slowly and carefully – my scooter tilts perilously over to one side, and one day – given the growth of the roots – the hump will be so big that the ‘tilt’ will turn into a ‘topple’. When that happens it will do irreparable damage to my quite expensive mobility scooter, not to mention the extreme damage such an accident would do to my own person, body and state of health. The blame for such an accident would rest entirely with Camden Council who have a statutory obligation – in terms of health and safety – to maintain pavements and public highways in a safe and orderly condition. When this accident happens – which it certainly will, given the energetic growth of the roots – I would have no compunction in subjecting Camden to the most rigorous investigation resulting, certainly, in most severe penalties; all due - I would point out - to Camden’s dereliction of duty in the first place. In addition, the (Canadian Maple?) tree between 70 & 72 Greencroft Gdns. is also displacing the pavement in a dangerous manner - also affecting me on my invalid scooter. In closing, I would again point out that Mme Kurmakaeva started this enquiry back in January of this year. Would you not agree that EIGHT MONTHS is a long time for a period of non-event inaction??? I await a) your response and b) some urgent and positive activity.

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