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79. Fitzjohn's Avenue NW3 6PD

Reported via desktop in the Drain is smelling category anonymously at 17:15, Mon 9 September 2024

Sent to Camden Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6454264.

Hi Camden Council,

I hope this request finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention a persistent sewage smell that has been affecting the Residents at 79. Fitzjohn's Avenue NW3 6PD. The odor is particularly strong throughout the day and has become a significant issue for residents in the area and a potential health risk.

We are concerned that this may indicate an underlying issue with the local sewage or drain system nearby. Can we request for Camden Council to investigate the persistent smell/Review all surrounding drains nearby as it's quite difficult to point point the smell to one drain (screenshot attachment provided as a guide)

We appreciate any updates on the cause & further steps taken to resolve the issue at hand.

Thank you for your prompt attention to the matter.

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    State changed to: No further action

    Posted by Camden Borough Council at 09:08, Tue 10 September 2024

This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location. Please reference 6454264 in your new report if it is an update on this one.