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Proctor street from red lion square to junction

Reported via mobile in the Road Defect category anonymously at 15:13, Friday 6 September 2024

Sent to Camden Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6443944.

Since work began in proctor street me and we have reported that the work has damaged the ceiling of our underground car park. This was reported to the company doing the work and to Camden. When it rains water leaks into the car park onto the cars below. This means we cannot park under these leaks as it leaves nasty deposits on our cars The company doing the work only said they didn’t know there was a car park. The underground car park runs under that section of proctor street and has also caused leaks into gym box on the corner. It would be good to know if any one at the council is going to help us in this matter as they cost of repair should be undertaken by the company doing the work and not using our council tax This issue has been gaining since then of last year. Or should we report it higher up the council ladder? Thank you

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    Posted by Camden Borough Council at 15:18, Friday 6 September 2024

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