Outside garage door of 26 Burgess Hill (on Ranulf Road next to Camden boundary)
Reported via desktop in the Drain is blocked category anonymously at 20:22, Sunday 12 May 2024
Sent to Camden Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5963703.
This drain is blocked. A bathroom and toilet in my house discharges into it and is now backing up into my garage. I have tried to unblock it with drain rods but the amount of leaves and other debris is too great to be able to do this without specialist equipment. I would appreciate you sending someone ASAP. While they are here, could they please also check / clear the drain outside my house (26 Burgess Hill) by the corner of Ranulf Road. This looks as if a similar problem is about to occur which would cause significantly greater damage to my property.
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