The corner of Minster and Fordwych Road
Reported via desktop in the Road Defect category anonymously at 16:01, Friday 3 May 2024
Sent to Camden Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5930321.
This junction, every day, is filled with angry drivers yelling expletives, stopping their cars midway out on the road, honking incessantly, and causing near-misses of accidents. Every day, multiple times a day, mostly between 8-10 and 4-6.
The reason is that Minster Road leads onto one of two bridges across the railroad tracks, down the minor road. But people don't want to wait on the minor road (Minster Road), so they aggressively accelerate onto the main road without wanting to wait. People honk at the people who do wait. People on the main road go too fast down the main road and nearly have accidents with the people on the minor road who don't want to wait anymore.
This means that the local residents have to listen to arguments, honking and near-misses of accidents every day, for at least 4 hours a day. I recommend sitting there and watching/listening to it yourself.
The junction needs a mini roundabout so that road users start giving way fairly, and this roadrage and the near misses can end. Please.
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