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What3words "clap.forget.unions", Kentish Town Rd at Laverton Place

Reported via desktop in the Road Defect category anonymously at 12:44, Thu 28 March 2024

Sent to Camden Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5777939.

This area was worked on for a very long time. They have now finished but the road paving is sub par. A handheld asphalt compactor was used, not even a small roller, let alone a big roller which would have been expected for a high-capacity road such as Kentish Town Road. In addition, the water run-off was not done properly, so after any rain large puddles appear, see photo (taken 28 March in the morning). Standing water degrades the paving, and is dangerous because bicyclists have to swerve into motorised traffic. In order for road paving to last longer than a few months requires a higher grade material (smaller aggregates, better bonding) and a wide roller for an even application. Without that we're back at constant repairs.

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    Posted by Camden Borough Council at 14:36, Thu 28 March 2024

This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location. Please reference 5777939 in your new report if it is an update on this one.