Gondar Gardens at junction with Hillview Rd
Reported via mobile in the Road Defect category anonymously at 11:43, Tuesday 27 February 2024
Sent to Camden Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5638121.
This problem is NOT RESOLVED. Part of the mess has been cleared up but the worst section of cured concrete remains untouched. M&Sons Contractors claim they will sort it (but very slow). You might want to call them to chase it along. Thx
About half a cubic metre of ready-mixed concrete has been poured down Gondar Gardens and has set hard of the tarmac. Some may have gone into the drains. This was done by M&Sons Contractors of Finchley Rod who are doing a basement job in adjoining Hillview Road. I have reported it to them who are ‘looking into it’. Their number is 0208 905 4104.
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