In progress
Overpass over railway between Broadhurst gardens and Blackburn road
Reported via mobile in the Street Lights category anonymously at 17:02, Tue 5 December 2023
Sent to Camden Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5285630.
All street lights are broken. It's very dark and dangerous to walk in the evenings. Please fux - it's been going on for a month.
Thank you for raising this. The Camden Council Street Lighting team has now attended and referred the issue to the relevant contractor. Please do continue to report any issues you see via the Fix My Street app
State changed to: In progress
Posted by Camden Borough Council at 10:26, Tue 2 January 2024
A month since this was first reported the bridge is still without any lighting. With pitch darkness till late in the morning and early in the evening crossing the bridge in darkness is very dangerous. Action is needed URGENTLY.
Posted anonymously at 12:04, Thu 11 January 2024
The overpass is now without any lights. It's nearly impossible to use it, and as a woman I find it dangerous. Besides, the metal surface of the bridge gets slippery when it eit rains on fallen leaves - an accident waiting to happen.
Posted anonymously at 21:33, Mon 11 November 2024
The lighting on this footbridge has not worked for well over a year. During the winter months it is unusable after 4pm. Please fix.
Posted anonymously at 13:27, Fri 27 December 2024
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