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Outside Greek Orthodox Church

Reported via mobile in the Road Defect category anonymously at 14:22, Sun 1 October 2023

Sent to Camden Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5049629.

Currently on the south side of Gordon house road there are single yellow line markings and parking restrictions 0800 to 1830 Monday to Saturday. On Sundays there are so many parked cars on this section of street that traffic is backing up to Kentish Town and Swains lane along the Highgate road and along Chetwynd road into Dartmouth Park. Because of the current layout and road markings, buses can’t manoeuvre past the parked cars, stop at the bus stop on Gordon House Road and carry on their journey because they are blocked by parked cars and cars in the oncoming lane of traffic. This causes further issues for emergency services as this is a main thoroughfare for Police and Fire services travelling from Kentish Town responding to emergencies and for ambulances trying to get to and from the Royal Free Hospital/Camden ambulance station on Cressy Road. The parking on Sundays also adds to pollution in the area, to dangerous driving which puts pedestrians at risk who are visiting Hampstead Heath and the surrounding areas. The road markings in this area require urgent review. Much better planning and road markings are needed to manage the traffic through this area.

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  • State changed to: Internal referral

    Updated by Camden Borough Council at 11:39, Mon 2 October 2023

This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location. Please reference 5049629 in your new report if it is an update on this one.