Through road from twisden road to York rise estate
Reported via iOS in the Street Lights category anonymously at 08:45, Fri 8 September 2023
Sent to Camden Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4971335.
I am writing to bring to your attention a pressing matter regarding the lighting conditions in the through way from Twisden Road to York Rise Estate. As a concerned resident of the area, I have recently spoken to several individuals, including an elderly woman, who have expressed concerns about the lack of adequate lighting in this particular area.
It has come to my attention that the existing lighting infrastructure in the through way is outdated and insufficient, posing a significant health and safety hazard to pedestrians, particularly during the evening hours. Numerous residents have expressed their fear of walking through this poorly lit area due to the potential risks it presents. Despite their genuine concerns, it seems that their pleas for improved lighting have gone unanswered.
I kindly request that the Camden Council take immediate action to address this issue by replacing the faulty bulb and installing additional lighting fixtures along the through way. By doing so, you would not only alleviate the fears and concerns of the residents but also ensure their safety while traveling through the area, especially at night. Khadija Dale
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